
Kau ada dikala ku suka

Dikala ku duka

Setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa

Kau ada dikala ku perlu

Setia menemaniku

Di atas sejadah cintaku

Kau lah yang selalu

Selalu menemaniku

Mendengar kisah pahit manis hidup ku

Kau lah yang Satu

Setia mendengarku

Kau lah yang Satu

Menjadi kekasihKu

Ya Allah

The beautiful promise

“Kita tinggalkan yang haram, Allah janjikan yang halal”

-Pesan Baginda Rasulullah s.a.w. ♥


SubhanAllah :’)

Berapa sayangnya Allah kepada kita. 

Hati ini ingin sangat berjumpa dengan yang Esa dan Baginda yang dicintai.


Ya Allah, guide me. Guide me in this. I seek your guidance to make it ease. 

Aamiin Ya Rahman.


Allah knows

For all the times you curved a smile

And tears of joy that feels worthwhile

Look up and smile because Allah knows

In the face of hardship

And you feel despair

In mind you should keep

Allah listens and He is certainly there

As you swing through sadness or feeling depressed

And calmness seem unseen

He will come knocking with the blessed

Say Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.

You go through hardships, challenges and obstacles

In mind and heart you should keep which there is no doubt

Indeed, Allah knows and Allah listens.

Ungrateful slave

Today Allah open my eyes wide

In seeing the things I was ungrateful for the day before

I was blind enough to push them aside

In making count the words I say when I said “Allah removes something good for something better”

Was my tawakkal there?

Did I meant what I said?

As Allah proved to me His Mercy through today

SubhanAllah :’)


For You know what I do not know, dear Allah s.w.t. Thus, forgive me for making quick judgement and assumptions

I reflect and I regret

I feel ashamed

For being an ungrateful slave after all He has done for me

After all He has guided me

After all He has blessed me with

Dear Allah,

As I experienced through everyday experiences You put me in, little did I know those were little priceless valuable gifts and miracles from You. You placed me in every situation for the betterment of self. Forgive me for my ignorance. Forgive me for not thanking You enough. For I am truly blessed by uncountable blessings You have gave. Please constantly keep me close to You. All praises to You for making every single event that happens, will happen or have happened for a reason. To build and develop me into a wiser and stronger person for You. For Rasulullah saw and his (saw) ummah. With the strength that you have blessed me with, allow me to go through everyday with strong faith and wisdom. InshaaAllah.

Thank you Allah for everything.


TAQWA: Fearing Allah

“Taqwa can be compared to walking through a narrow path with thorny bushes on both sides and a person passing through it tries his level best to save his clothes from being torn. The thorns are the sins and the clothes is one’s Eeman”

I want to love you better.


I want to love You better.

To love You more than anything else.

I want to return to You in the best state of Iman and Akhlaq.

Because I want to be pleasing in Your eyes here in dunya and akhirah.

Ya rabb.

Guide me.

Protect me.

Forgive me.

I have many flaws and weaknesses.

I am nothing without You.

You have indeed blessed me with uncountable blessings.

What more can I ask from You, Allah.

Other than to continue in guiding me and the ummah.

Please Allah 😥

It’s heartbreaking to see the state of the ummah.

How would Rasulullah SAW feel seeing the condition of the ummah now…..

Forgive us for our sins and ignorance.

Give us the best of Taufiq and Hidayah.

I want to love You like how You have been loving me since the day You brought me to this earth.

All these, only by Your Will. 

No words could comprehend my feelings for You, Ya Rabb.

Only to love You better and the best would I learn how to love others.

Therefore, guide me and bring me close to You.

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin, Ya Rabb.


Dear sisters, uhibbuka fillah

Ya Allah,

Protect and guide my dear sisters out there from any harm

Assure them your love, concern and real warmth

For I do not want them to go through what I did

Because you and I know it is not worth it

And never will it be despite whatever circumstance it may be

Remind us, save us, guide us and protect us from the things we can’t foresee

Deep down, we are striving every day to be a better Muslimah in Your eyes

And I know how difficult it may be at times

But with Your Will, never let us sigh

Verily with every hardship comes ease

And Verily with the remembrance of You do our hearts find peace

Grant us the strength, the guidance we seek and the courage we need.

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin :’)